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You don't need power to be powerful.

This is our motto. We believe all children can achieve their dreams no matter their background, limitations, power. Join us in helping them believe in this truth. 


What do we do?

Join us in making a variety of impact in children's lives. From career exploration to relationship bonding, Dear Power fosters a variety of interpersonal development. 

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Career Exploration

The volunteers educate the children in various career fields, allowing each child to discover their passions. From sciences, business, to vocational, careers of all spectrum are introduced to the children. 

College Student Mentor

Volunteers are students from Washington University in St. Louis. They work with each child individually throughout the entire program. This fosters strong relationships in which students can serve as great mentors and examples to the children. 

Role Model Pairing

Every child receives a personalized letter of encouragement from the role model of their dreams. That be Olympian, actress, or astronaut, each child is partnered up with a real-life professional of their dreams.

Arts & Craft

Volunteers help children form their very own "Flat Stanleys" (drawing of themselves in the future career). This encourages creativity, relationship bonding, and simply a memory that won't forget. 

Volunteer Stories

Read what our volunteers have to say about their rewarding experiences.

“Dear Power has helped me appreciate just how important it can be for kids to be able to express who they want to be. Be it a chef, teacher, or an astronaut, sometimes just a simple drawing like a Flat Stanley can be a difference maker on what children choose to become when they grow older!”

Ethan Hong, Volunteer

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